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泳能游泳會 Wing Land Swimming Club

4.6 ( 9216 ratings )

創會超過18 年,曾培訓出全港分齡游泳冠軍 、超過30 位中小學學界游泳冠
軍 ,並打破超過80 個地區分齡游泳紀錄。
現為多間學校、機構、 私人屋苑會所提供泳班服務 ,由前學界冠軍泳員所組
成的教練團隊負責, 泳班風格已鼓勵性、 輕鬆愉快學習為主, 讓小朋友從學
習中建立自信, 培育出對游泳的熱誠。

Wing Land Swimming Club has been established for over 18 years and is
currently an observer club/ competition member of the Hong Kong Swimming
Association. Throughout the years, we have trained numerous swimming talents,
including age group champions in Hong Kong and over 30 inter-school swimming
champions, while breaking more than 80 regional age group swimming records.
We currently provide swimming classes for various schools, organizations, and
private estate clubs. Our coaching team is made up of former inter-school
champions, dedicated to delivering high-quality swimming training.
Our swimming classes emphasize an encouraging and relaxed learning
environment, allowing children to build confidence through learning and foster a
passion for swimming.